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February 25, 2009



Am a youngin and am feeling this. So you are wrong.
I like the jazz,neosoul concept. Kinda reminds me of Sade and emm Goapele in a funny way.
I wud definitely listen to this.

KiD Konnect


i'm loving this one


I like this...good job!!! u be youngin, I wud not have thot 4rm ur


cool songs...smells of anita baker and shade...but its breath of fresh air..

If she has any song in her native naija language, pls post it....

keep it up, duoye....


Ohhh wow this is like throw back old school men........Really loving this men. Who is she and I can see a little bit Sade in her music. I am loving this lady men

deji d

this is tew mush. i like it

She is our Ladybrille Woman of the Month so that already tells you how I feel.


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Pandora Beads

I really wish I hadn’t seen this as I really want one now! THANK YOU!!

Monster Beats

Wow,what a lot of wonderful words and pictures there are now. THANK YOU!!


The older people who frequent the jazz clubs will definitely want to add her album to their collection. I'm diggin it, her style is similar to Kem's.

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