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January 16, 2009



Mola OG..
all work and no play...
thanks for the video blog..
we need more of this..

Ovie O

I'm sure evry1 would have differing opinions, which is quite normal. But 4 me, no complaints on the selection. Lovely vids... all of 'em! Bosi Gbangba takes the cake... and Nigerians in Nigeria are beginning 2 feel it big time, seeing that its No. 1 on so many TV channels. That's a good look. Now unto 2009....


2008 was big for Nigerian music, especially for Nigerian artist's who went back to naija; Naeto C, Ikechukwu,M.I, Banky W. are just a few.
2009 has got to be better, and the music vidoes have stepped a notch, meaning all the nyama nyama vidoes will not even get air play..lmao

saidi jagun

but nigezie i dont understand the chain dangling idea sha.....


OOOh, I saw this last nite. They shudda just done a top 50 or sum'n cuz ther wer loads of cool videos released in 2008.


bsb... true talk... at least a top 20... like you said a lot of cool vids came out in 2008. A vid like Roll it would have been nice on the list. MAMAs??? So lets Shayo and then Bo si gbangba ka jo.


I love the direction the Naija music industry is going. It is just beautiful to watch.
@sdotgang: Indeed. But, I also think that is one catalyst why the video production and quality among many factors keep improving. Of course the record labels like Storm, Chocolate City, Kennis etc. are largely responsible for the invested money to rebrand their artists and their images. I love what is coming out of Naija, really do.

The Nigezie TV station is cool too! I felt at times they gave the host way too much to say and wished he would cut it short so we could get straight to and get more of the videos. The selections are top 10 worthy.


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