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November 03, 2008



Soul Brother and Rukus are painting themselves into a corner on that joint. Funk/jazz-hip hop fusions rarely resonate - I can think of only three (SONGS, not artists) with any sort of longevity in the past 20 years. Unless they're aiming for the urban elevator music audience...

The song is actually decent, it's just not going to sell. Shame,really.

ToneStar is NOT COMFORTABLE on that stage. I don't blame him; the song sucks.

Mola OG

Wait to you hear what Rukus is on... That dude is a beast on the mic... Listen to a sample on this track

More to come shortly from Rukus. Soul Brother I am not sure about, I will check his stuff out soon and get back to u.

LOL@ ToneStar is NOT COMFORTABLE on that stage. I don't blame him; the song sucks.

I actually like that song. D guy try.


I peeped Rukus on that Big Boy remix. Dude is nice! Good look, Mola.

SiSi Blu

And the Tonestar song is nice o! But what's his P with remixing beats...Only that 'Give it to her' is his original song..I stand corrected sha!


Lol @ oluseyi... you're just a hater!!! Tonestar is hot and im a fan so please go somewhere else with that crap!


you guys are suppose to support Nigerians that are actually doing something in entertainment... instead you're here criticizing.

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