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« D'banj - Entertainer | Main | Y.Q ft Da Grin - Efi Mile »

August 25, 2008



Wow absolutely happy that he is making it to the top of his game. But might I just ask a question. Was the dude lipsynchronizing? Just a question.

Mola OG

it appears so...


lol! IK is taking pure Nigerian pidgin to the foreign masses....


He wasn't lipsynchronizing, he was

Lip syncing is allowed in Africa jare. leave d guy

Mola OG

@solo yeh its about time we give them our pidgin. just like the Jamo give us their patwa

@Temi I feel u. I just saw your portfolio, Maddd!

Sisi Blu

Yeah, he was lipsyncing but 'twas mad all the same!!!!

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