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August 29, 2007



Thanks foe visting my blog and I will be back to visit your blog again

Calabar gal's pal

Hi Demola, i just discovered you via your comment on someone's blog. I can't find your profile however- where do you live? I ask because if you live in London, you'd have seen this lovely Tiwa girl audition for the X factor last year. She was so good and got through to boot camp. I still don't understand why Sharon Osbourne dropped her at the last minute, considering that she was the BEST in her group. I was so upset and cried with her; so you can imagine how chuffed i am to now read this post of yours. I'm happy she found success at last. She's well deserving of it. She got a scholarship from Nigeria to go to the States to study music and she soooo took good advantage of it, excelling in her studies whilst doing back up singing for these A listers you mentioned and more. I really like her and wish her the best.
Nice blog dude. Would be back to scour through your archives. Stay cool.

Peace out.

yo whats up dude?
just had some time so i dropped by
seems on a good day too
I'll check baby girl out
see if she sounds as good as she looks

This is this is
Diary of a g

Mola OG

@beautyinbaltimore no doubt

@Calabar gal's pal, thanx for the information, I live in the states and never saw the X factor show, but it definitely sounds like she has paid some dues and getting ready to do it BIG!

@ Diary of a G thanx for stoppin by playa. make sure u check her out...

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